Employee Rewards Program for HR and Business
Post your Corporate Discounts with Good Job Partners
Become a Member of the Good Job Program
Good Job Program

HR employee Rewards

A GREAT WAY TO SAY GOOD JOB! Exclusive online discounts for your employees
Unlike other employee recognition programs, Good Job® rewards all your employees equally and is a well suited way to thank all your staff for doing a Good Job. From your Front line staff to your senior level executives, it offers all your employees that little extra they deserve and will most certainly appreciate. Good Job® will save you the time and the aggravation of coordinating corporate discounts and consignment deals all while providing your staff with full access to some of the most popular events, products and services, all at a discounted rate. Call or email us and ask about our special offers.

Call our Toll Free Number at: 1-855-644-9324 Ext. 115

Send us an email and one of our account representatives will contact you: Info@goodjobprogram.com
Easy to use with intuitive web interface We negotiate, manage and post all discount offerings
Customized with your corporate identity and direct URL Saves HR time & effort coordinating and administering independently
Centralized & exclusive discounts with no administration Enhanced benefit offering free of inflationary costs
Welcome message greeting for each member THE RESULTS:
Frequent updates on discounts posted immediately Boost in company morale
Extended to Family Members with no additional cost A reward for all employees, not based solely on performance
Free access and technical support for all members Employee appreciation
Automated monthly E-mail notifications to all members A nice way to say “ Good Job”
Frequent online draws for amazing prizes Happy employees…happy customers


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